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I am an IT Engineer who blog about my IT Support and System Administration working Experience If you like to know more about my IT Engineer life, Press Ctrl+D to bookmark my page.

RedHat 7/8 – How to mount/unmount CD/DVD ROM

In most of the time, we need to install the software from the CD ROM. Before you start the use the CD ROM, you need mount it.

To do so, just follow below steps:-

i) Identify the CD ROM is detected by the OS or not, use blkid command to view attributes of block devices that are on your system.

As you can see, /dev/sr0 already mounted the ISO image.

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RedHat 7/8 – SSH Key-Based Authentication

You can configure an SSH Server to allow you to authenticate without an password by using key-based authentication (private-public key)

To do this, you will need to generate a matched pair of cryptographic key files (Private and public key). The private key file is used as authentication credential (like a password), public key is copied to the destination server that you want to connect to, and is used to verify the private key.

To create a key pair, use the ssh-keygen command. By default, private key (id_rsa) and public key (id_rsa.pub) will save at your home directory .ssh folder (~/.ssh/)

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