How to download and keep YouTube videos to your iOS devices(iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad)

By default, you can watching YouTube videos on iOS devices.  But you unable to download it and watch later.

There is an apple app called MXTube that allows you to download YouTube video for offline viewing. Besides, it also allow you to stream the youtube video. But this cool apps is not available in apple store. This free apps only available in Cydia store. So, you will need to jailbreak your iOS devices in order to install MxTube from Cydia store.

To install MxTube

How to sync Zimbra Calendar with IOS devices (iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad)

Zimbra’s collaboration suite can be accessed from the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad which will pull in calendar, contacts, and email. So, it possible to Zimbra Calendar with your IOS devices.

If you would like to sync just your Zimbra calendar, just follow below steps:-

Now, you should be ready to configure Google Sync on iPhone.

  • On your iOS devices home screen tap “Settings” application.

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How to print screen on iOS devices?

I just discover a cool trick on iOS devices. The cool trick that i going to share here is how to take a screen shoot of your iOS devices. It is useful when you want to show friend or colleague a snap shot of your iOS devices (iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch) to guide them do the setting of the new application.

To take a print screen of your iOS devices, just follow below steps:-

  • First, go to the screen that you intend to snapshot or capture.
  • Hold down the Home button and then press the power button.

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