I believe most of the IT folks see this two type of partition table format (MBR and GPT) when you creating new partition. But do your guy really understand what is the difference between this two partition table format?
Here i going to share with you some of the key difference between this two partition table format:-
Master Boot Record (MBR)
- A partition supports a maximum of four primary partitions per drive
- A partition can have maximum of 2 terabytes (TB) (2.19 x 10^12 bytes).
Note: You can use the MBR partition table format for disk drives that never surpass 2 TB in size. This provides you with a bit more space, because GPT requires more disk space than MBR.
GUID Partition Table (GPT)
- GPT supports a maximum of 128 partitions per drive
- A partition can have up to 18 exabytes (EB).
Note: If your hard disk is larger than 2 TB, you must use the GPT partition table format. To boot from a GPT partition table, please make sure your BIOS able support GPT.