Windows 8.1 Store unable to launch

windows-8-logo-excerpt1Recently i notice that Windows Store app unable to launch on my upgraded Windows 8.1. When I tried click the “Store” button, it visibly depresses, and then nothing happens. If you’re currently experiencing the same issue with me, don’t be panic. It can be solve.

Below are few simple steps to solve this issue:-

1. Open a Command Prompt as an Administrator.

Open Command Prompt

2. In the Administrator Command Prompt, enter the following command and hit Enter

powershell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register $Env:SystemRoot\WinStore\AppxManifest.xml

Administrator Command Prompt

After this, you should able to use Windows Store to install software. 🙂

How to list all the Windows Updates Installed on your system

windows-logoAs we know Microsoft frequently released the Windows update.  Most security-related updates are released on the second Tuesday of the month. Non-security updates are usually released on the fourth Tuesday of the month. For the important updates, Microsoft will release anytime. So, if you set your Windows update automatically, you might not know what updates/hotfixes has been applied to your Windows.

Is it possible to get the list of Windows updates that has been applied to your windows? The answer is yes.

Typically way to see which Windows updates are installed by View update history. Steps as below:- Continue reading

How to reset Sonicwall Viewpoint 6.0 System Interface password

Sonicwall_LogoSonicWALL ViewPoint is an easy-to-use Web-based reporting tool that fully complements and extends SonicWALL’s security products and services. In Sonicwall Viewpoint, there are 2 main interface which is System and Application interfaces. The admin account for the System Interface is separate from the admin account for the Application Interface.

The default admin password for the System and Application interfaces is ‘password’. If the admin password for the System Interface or Application Interface is lost, you can reset it back to default admin password.

In this tutorial, i will show you how to reset the admin password for the System Interface is lost. 

Here is the screenshot of Viewpoint System Interface

sonicwall UMH Continue reading