Reset MySQL root Password on Windows

MySQLToday i received a ticket from customer said that they forgot their MySQL root Password. They request us to reset their MySQL root password. Currently their MySQL Server running on Windows Server 2008.

To reset the MySQL Root Password on Windows the steps almost same as reset MySQL Root Password in Linux. To learn how to reset MySQL Password in Linux, just click HERE.

On Windows, use the following procedure to reset the password for all MySQL root accounts:

1) Log on to your system as Administrator. Continue reading

How to use Telnet command to test your Email Server connectivity

Telnet is a network protocol used on the Internet or local area networks which allows a client to talk to a server remotely. Telnet is a very useful tools for System Admin to do the email troubleshooting.

Here i going to show some basic steps to send an email from your server and how to check your email using telnet. Continue reading

How do I check a reverse DNS record?

Reverse DNS lookup (also known as rDNS) is a process to determine the hostname associated with a given IP address. As an ISP. we always help our customer to setup Reverse DNS record for their domain. Once we finished setup, we need to verify the record before we send to customer.

To find out reverse DNS of a given IP address, you can use command  line tool such as nslookup, dig or hosts to check it.

Below are the 2 example on how to check the Reserve DNS record for IP Address Continue reading