In Windows File Sharing, you can assign shared folder permissions to users, groups, or computers. However, unlike file permissions, you cannot configure shared folder permissions for individual files or folders in the shared folder.
Shared folder permissions are set for the shared folder itself, and apply universally to the entire contents of the shared folder for users who access the folder over the network.
When you create a shared folder, the default assigned shared permission for the Everyone group is set to Read.
Below are the lists of permissions that you can assign to a shared folder.
A) Read
– Users can view folder and file names, view file data and attributes, run program files and scripts, and navigate the folder structure within the shared folder
B) Change
– Users can create folders, add files to folders, change data in files, append data to files, change file attributes, delete folders and files, and perform all tasks permitted by the Read permission
C) Full Control
– Users can change file permissions, take ownership of files, and perform all tasks permitted by the Change permission.
Please take noted that Shared folder permissions apply only to users who access the folder over the network. They do not affect users who access the folder locally on the computer that stores the folder.